Dear Friends,
As Bahadır Aging Foundation, we were able to achieve our legal status, which is our natural right, as a result of faithful and patient work that spanned a period of approximately 7 years!
With the announcement of the General Directorate of Foundations of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism published in today’s (10 July 2020) issue of the Official Gazette, our foundation has finally become official.
With this decision, we will soon (August or September) start providing care to our elderly people in our town with a professional team. At the moment, we are about to complete the profile studies of the staff who will work at the Bahadin Elderly Care Center.
As you know, our foundation has carried out exemplary works in Turkey during this period:
– Bahadin Elderly Care Center has completed its building.
– Publishes the journal Aging and Society regularly (6th issue will be published soon).
– It develops the awareness of old age by organizing conferences with different universities on a regular basis every year.
– In our town, students from Europe and Turkey are working on aging for their doctoral and university graduation theses.
We will share the developments with you, as we have done so far.
We would like to thank everyone who has faithfully, patiently and determinedly supported the work.
Bahadin Aging Foundation Founders Board